The Arabic Alfabet 2

Since this page is under construction, the pictures showing how to write the character when you put your mouse on them will be marked (*)


The next two are Seen (above) and Sheen (below).
They differ more than just a dot, namely three (3) dots.


Again, from right to left the initial, middle, end and "solo" forms are shown.


The next is Sad, again in its four aspects (intitial, middle, end, solo)


And, again only differing by a dot, Dad.


Then come Tah


And Thah


These next two characters have no less than four (4) almost
completely different shapes (again from right to left: initial, middle, end, solo).
The first one is called Ein.


And the second one (again only differing a single dot) is called Ghein.


As you can see these next two characters differ more
than just a dot, they also differ in shape.
The above one is called Fa`


And this one is called Qaf

For a change, the next few characters are completely different from the others.
The one that looks least like any other, in my view, is Kef (below)


You can see the initial, the intermediate and the two different end-shapes that
occur, as wel as the solo-edition (of course from right to left).

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